Resource Utilization and Self-Development
Flashing. Full of genius. I'm used to the enthusiasm for ideas
You're being asked to force creativity and spit out ideas
I think such creative activities would be impossible for ordinary us in the first place.
Utilization and connection of resources
What I have, what I can do
What we have, what we can do
The approach to making effective use of resources
I think it's the closest to how to live well.
Time, labor, capital, technology, knowledge, and thinking converge
There's a point where the best combination is made
I think the movement toward that point is the right approach.
Perhaps the answer to the education of ordinary children will be this.
Every parent wants a child to have a special talent that is clearly observed
In reality, even the average level of talent is a blessing.
Rather than obsessing over genius,
knowing what you have
The accumulation of experiences that create connections with other resources and strengthen them
I think it will be a meaningful education.
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